HXA Room Booking
Enable lightning-fast bookings, transparently show room availability and support with smart technology that helps every room become more efficient.
Enable lightning-fast bookings, transparently show room availability and support with smart technology that helps every room become more efficient.
Ideal addition to HXA Room Booking, presents events and room availability on a central dashboard. It facilitates room searches and supports indoor navigation to save time.
Revolutionary resource management app that is seamlessly integrated into Microsoft 365 and Exchange OnPremise and enables employees to book rooms, workstations, parking spaces and equipment with ease.
Professional e-mail solution with calendar and task management for companies and teams. Integrated Unified Messaging and fax.
Unified communication solution for chats, audio and video conferencing, online meetings and classic telephony.
Web-based social intranet solution for easy collaboration. Enables saving, sharing and managing information and documents.
IT-Sicherheit in Kommunen: Wie sich Verwaltungen vor Cyberangriffen schützen können.
IT-Sicherheit in Kommunen: Wie sich Verwaltungen vor Cyberangriffen schützen können.
Datenschutz in der kommunalen Verwaltung – Herausforderungen und Lösungen.
Datenschutz in der kommunalen Verwaltung – Herausforderungen und Lösungen.
Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit für die Kommune von morgen.
Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit für die Kommune von morgen.
Cybersecurity Compliance.
Cybersecurity Compliance.